Closing The Confidence Gap Masterclass
It’s time to own who you are, trust yourself, and take your bravest next step
Advancing with Confidence: Strategies for Women in the Workplace
“The Most Beautiful Thing You Can Wear Is Confidence.”
- Blake Lively
Lack of Confidence can be one of the greatest challenges we face when creating a career or business we love. Confidence issues can show up in so many different ways and many of us have never been taught the tools and strategies that make a difference. We can also be running so fast on the treadmill of everyday life that we often don’t even realise the limiting stories we tell ourselves.

What Will I Learn in this Masterclass?
Raised awareness of the negative stories we tell ourselves
Strategies to challenge and reframe these stories
Identify Gremlin triggers and name them
Practical tips and techniques to shift our confidence up a level
Managing your mindset

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